2008. szeptember 25., csütörtök

My first entry

Hello, and welcome on my blog! Its my first entry...
First of all: Why its the title of my blog: "Moritori te salutant"? Its not a big deal... I tried some average expressions, but all of these were engaged, so i thought a citation could be acceptabla, so i have choosen this...(It is one of my favourite Roman idioms) Anyway, it means: Those who are about to die, salute you... Now, i wouldn't like to write more about it (may be in the future:) ), if you are intrested in, you can read a few lines, here: http://ancienthistory.about.com/od/games/qt/morituritesalut.htm

Well... I hope you will have fun, while reading my entries, i will try to do my best:)

See you soon!

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Long live this blog and this blogger!